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10-Minute Tech Talks: How Tech Companies Fail and How Entrepreneurs Can Avoid It

Are you an entrepreneur building a technology company and looking to grow fast? This show teaches and inspires entrepreneurs to build better companies by learning from the failures of other tech companies and entrepreneurs.  Hosts Audrey Russo and Jonathan Kersting are from the Pittsburgh Technology Council with decades of experience helping tech entrepreneurs.

Oct 17, 2019

Dean of the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy Ramayya Krishnan talks about artificial intelligence and operational research.

All around us, the AI race is moving fast – cars and games, the sharing economy platforms, disaster recovery, Alexa and Siri, fake news and social media, fraud detection; the list goes on and on. Krishnan will discuss how AI is already impacting our lives and expanding every day. Yet there is little awareness that the field of operations research and analytics contributes in foundational ways to the success of AI and its application.