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10-Minute Tech Talks: How Tech Companies Fail and How Entrepreneurs Can Avoid It

Are you an entrepreneur building a technology company and looking to grow fast? This show teaches and inspires entrepreneurs to build better companies by learning from the failures of other tech companies and entrepreneurs.  Hosts Audrey Russo and Jonathan Kersting are from the Pittsburgh Technology Council with decades of experience helping tech entrepreneurs.

TVR 7/16/23: RIDC Ignites Regional Economic Growth and Innovation

Jul 10, 2023

Regional Industrial Development Corporation (RIDC) President and CEO Don Smith stops by TechVibe Radio this Sunday (7/16) ​to detail its commitment to transforming industrial spaces into thriving centers for innovation and sustainable development.

Smith overviews RIDC's approach to how revitalizing large, unused...

TVR 12/28/19: Honeycomb Credit

Dec 28, 2019

Honeycomb Credit lets locally owned small businesses borrow expansion loans from their own loyal customers, fans, and community members. Small businesses are the drivers of our local economy, but they aren't getting the credit they deserve from big banks, so Honeycomb Credit is activating the community to fill the...